For those days after the torture there was a lot of informal communication. I had to listen to about ten people, most of whom, I assume, were operational officers of the FSB. I was not the initiator of these conversations, and some of them did happen without my involvement at all – the officers talked
FSB Officials Say Electrocuting Detained Activist Was ‘Professional Necessity’
Security officials in St. Petersburg have reportedly admitted to mistreating an anti-fascist activist in detention saying it was a necessary part of doing their jobs.
Ping, Ping, Ping: The Remand Extension Hearing of the Penza “Terrorists”

Ping, Ping, Ping: A Report from the Remand Extension Hearing of the Defendants in the Penza “Terrorism” Case
Tortured Petersburg Antifascist Viktor Filinkov Transferred to Remand Prison in Leningrad Region

“We just visted Russian Federal Penitentiary Service Remand Prison No. 3 and learned that Viktor Filinkov was transferred to Remand Prison No. 6 the day before yesterday. Members of the Petersburg Public Monitoring Commission have no access to this prison, because it is located in Leningrad Region” – said Yana Teplitskaya There are one hundred
Your Husband Safely Made the Flight to Minsk after We Abducted Him in Petersburg

The Petersburg police have sent Alexandra Filinkova, wife of antifascist Viktor Filinkov, who was abducted by the FSB, tortured in their custody, and is now jailed in a Petersburg remand prison, charged with “involvement in a terrorist group,” a letter claiming it conducted a review and determined that on 23 January 2018, when Viktor was
“The main thing at that moment, in that situation, was to come out alive”

A recent public action in support of tortured anarchists in the city of Chelyabinsk has led to a backlash. Here, two people reveal how they were tortured by the FSB.
“You should understand: FSB officers always get their way!”: Anti-fascist Viktor Filinkov reveals how he was tortured by Russian security services

In late January, news that Viktor Filinkov, a left-wing activist and computer programmer, had disappeared (24 January) at St Petersburg’s Pulkovo airport was followed by arrests and searches (26 January) at the apartments of anti-fascist activists in the city. When Filinkov then surfaced in court and pre-trial detention, he stated he had been tortured by
Arrested Penza Antifascists Talk about Torture in Remand Prison

“He Would Check My Pulse by Touching My Neck and Monitor My Condition.” Arrested Penza Antifascists Talk about Electric Shock Torture in Remand Prison Basement
The Penza “Terrorism” Case

On January 23, antifascist Viktor Filinkov disappeared in Petersburg. He was found two days later: the press service of the Petersburg court system related Filinkov had been remanded to police custody after confessing his involvement in a terrorist network whose members “profess[ed] the anarchist ideology.” Members of the Public Monitoring Commission were able to visit
Ilya Kapustin: “They Said They Could Break My Legs and Dump Me in the Woods”

This week, FSB officers searched the homes of several Petersburg antifascists and anarchists. The searches were authorized by order of a Penza court. In October 2017, six activists were detained in Penza. One of them, Arman Sagynbayev, had lived for a time in Petersburg. They were charged with involvement in a terrorist network (Russian Criminal
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