Meduza presents a version according to which Maxim Ivankin, a defendant in the case of “Network”, in plain view of Alexei Poltavets participated in the murder of their acquaintances, Artem Dorofeev and Ekaterina Levchenko (Degree of Poltavets’es involvement in the murder is not specified). According to Meduza’s version, the murder was committed at the direction
86 Years in Prison for 7 Defendants in Network Case

Defendants in Network Case Receive Up to 18 Years in Prison The Volga District Military Court, [sitting in Penza], has [convicted and] sentenced seven defendants in the Network Case. Dmitry Pchelintsev was sentenced to 18 years in a maximum-security penal colony. Ilya Shakursky was sentenced to 16 years in a penal colony and fined 50,000
David Graeber made a Video in Support of accused in Network case

Graeber is the author of the bestselling book “Debt: The First 5000 Years”. The man whom the press called the ideologist of the Occupy movement. One of the few academic scholars who do not hide their anarchist views. The author of many publications in support of Kurdistan. “Some Russian friends asked me to look into
18 Years in Prison for Being Tortured by the FSB

Network Case defendants. Photo by Andrei Karev. Courtesy of Novaya Gazeta Prosecutor Asks Court to Sentence Penza Network Case Defendants to Up to Eighteen Years in PrisonOVD InfoDecember 26, 2019 The state prosecutor has asked the Volga District Military Court to sentence the five defendants in the Penza portion of the Network Case to between six
Guided Tour of a Torture Chamber

My Words Have Been Recorded Correctly, an art exhibition in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists and antifascists, took place July 5–7, 2019, at Pushkinskaya 10 Art Center in Petersburg. The show was sad and daring. During the three days it was up, it was visited by both regular cops and the “anti-extremism” police from Center “E”
Crossing Jordan: Day Three of the Network Trial
Jordan and Maidan: The Network Trial, Day Three Sergei Kagermazov OVD Info April 11, 2019 Yuli Boyarshinov in court. Photo by David Frenkel. Courtesy of OVD Info The left-wing radical community Network existed, but its young anarchists were training to fend off attacks by ultra-rightists when and if a coup like the one that took
The Network Trials: Pinning the “Code” on the Defendants

Petersburg Network Trial Defendants Viktor Filinkov and Yuli Boyarshinov. Photo by Alexander Koryakov. Courtesy of Kommersant Prosecution Tries to Pin “Code” on Network Defendants Anna Pushkarskaya Kommersant May 21, 2019 The Volga District Military Court rejected the defense’s motion to send the Penza segment of the so-called Network case back to prosecutors. The prosecution has
Network Trial Begins in Petersburg

Network case defendants Viktor Filinkov and Yuli Boyarshinov in the cage at court yesterday. Filinkov (left) wears a sweatshirt emblazoned with the slogan, “Your taser can’t kill our ideas.” Photo by Alexander Koryakov. Courtesy of Kommersant The Defendants Were Assigned Roles: Network Trial Gets Underway in Petersburg Anna Pushkarskaya Kommersant April 9, 2019 The court
Russia: “network” case lawyers prepare for court battle

On 19 January, Vitaly Cherkasov, legal counsel for Viktor Filinkov, held a press conference on his client’s case in St Petersburg. After being under investigation for 13 months, Filinkov’s case has now been sent to court, and Cherkasov is free to discuss the evidence. According to Cherkasov, there is no substantial evidence in the case
Russian security services may have used agent provocateur to frame up anti-fascists

A Russian newspaper has published evidence that the FSB used a neo-Nazi agent provocateur to try to entrap defendants in the “Network” case, who were then arrested and tortured Anti-fascists have launched an international campaign to defend Russian activists who have been arrested, tortured in detention, and charged with terrorism-related offences in the “Network” case.
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